Creation of Yargis
What Yargis is, how it was developed, and how we came up with the name...
Yargis is a blending of old and new concepts in gaming. It is reminiscent of the games played on quarter arcade machines with its Asteroid-like mechanics and top down view, yet it also posseses 3D graphics and gravity physics found in modern games. It is family friendly, but also fun for all. It has a thrilling and witty solo campaign that compliments multiplayer mode with rewards such as upgradeable and interchangable ship parts. Multiplayer also supports user-generated maps that can be shared with everyone, allowing for even more non-stop fun.

This blend of everything-you-ever-wanted in a video game comes from a small group of eight talented individuals in St. Louis, Missouri. Their leader is Jeff Minnis, a local business owner whose passion for technology is spilling over into video games. Jeff came up with the idea for Yargis when he was only ten years old, but it wasn’t until 2011 that his dream was put into motion.
Thus far the game has been built upon thousands of hours of labor and love. The team launched a Kickstarter campaign in June in order to complete its goals. Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that allows consumers to directly support content they want, like Yargis for instance.
As for the name, it quite simply came to Jeff one day as he was driving and trying to come up with a unique six letter name for the game. He spied a license plate with the letters "y" and "g," from which he derived "Yargis." Short and simple with a touch of whimsy, everything that Yargis is.
We hope you have as much fun playing Yargis as much as we have had making it. We hope this game exceeds your expectations and that it will be talked about for years to come.
See you among the stars!